The Best Code I write (is No Code)
As a developer who writes code for a living, there is sometimes this paradox at play, you know the best code ? the best code is the one that you don't write. Sounds wrong ? well the code you don't write will not introduce any new bugs. Easy enough , we developers writing less code would invariably lead to less new bugs found over time.
We developers are sometimes are our own enemy, for example take the case of an over zealous programmer who introduced a new tool and a new language because he is a proponent of the tool or language and adds new issues thus slowing down progress for everybody (for a hammer they say everything looks like a nail)
So writing less code, not repeating your code, having good abstractions is super critical for less bugs.
If you write code, you will end up introducing bugs, one way or another over time, increasingly the best option is to write only code you dont have to maintain all the time
Try to break up solutions into appropriate sized modules and divide and rule.
Write less code, write code with reusability and maintenance in mind.
Live long and code (Less) !